This past Sunday I put in a roll of film and just captured the ordinary events so that one day my family and I can look back and remember the those simpler times.
Last weekend a friend of mine asked if I could capture a surprise engagement proposal. I have never done this before so I jumped at the opportunity. My friend said that the proposal would happen on the bridge of the Japanese Garden at Cal State Long Beach.
So I made it to the Japanese Garden at the same time the soon to be engaged couple did but I had the element of disguise since she didn't know who I was.
I waited on the opposite side of the bridge and had my camera with the 70-210 F4 telephoto lens attached to capture the event as it unfolded.
As you can probably tell she was extremely surprised and shocked. She was glowing with happiness.
It was a privilege to be able to capture a such a wonderful event.
A few weekends ago I had the opportunity to shoot an engagement session at the Griffith Park Observatory. It was a perfect day at the observatory. The weekend brought a lot of people out to Griffith Park but we were able to find some secluded locations to make some great images.
We had lots of fun making photos on the roof and all the way down on the numerous trails around the observatory. Congrats to Becca and Tyler as they tie their nuptials later this year in Boston.
We can't wait to come back later on the year to visit the other exhibits in the museum.
A few weekends ago my wife and I took the kids to Griffith Park to enjoy the sun and a ride on the little train. I thought it would be a great opportunity to remember the day and shoot on black and white film. The Nikon F80 hasn't seen action in a few months so I loaded it up with a roll of Ilford HP5 400 ISO and a 50mm F1.8 lens.
The first few shots with the F80 where not so great. I think the automatic film advance was sticky because after the shutter fired the film only partially advance to the next position. So I had to hit the shutter button again for the film to advance and to be ready for the next shot. But after a few burned frames everything worked like normal. I guess it needs a little cleaning and lube or I should just use it more so the parts don't get stuck.
Around Thanksgiving I was given this Bronica Zenza and wow is this thing a beast! It weighs almost 5lbs but the process of creating an image with it is wonderful. I've gotten to shoot 2 rolls of Fuji Film Superia X-Tra 400 with and it was amazing.
I've been using the PS 80mm F2.8 lens with it and when you nail the focus it so sharp and clean. When you only have 12 shots in a roll you definitely slow down and make sure that each one counts. I've even shot it with a manual flash for a New Year's Party and it performed spectacular. I used my digital camera to dial in the setting so I can make sure the exposure was correct.
Here to wishing everyone a fantastic 2013!
Growing up, my immediate family was just my parents, my younger brother and me. But on my mom's side of the family, I have 10 aunts and uncles; and on my dad's side I have 4 aunts and uncles. So you can only imagine how many cousins I may have. I hate to admit it but sometimes I don't even remember a family member's name because I haven't seen them is such a long time.
As we grow older and start our own families, we drift into our own routines. It was a great break from the norm when we received the save the date card -- we knew the wedding was going to big, fun and full of family. It was definitely one of the year's highlights.
And at the end of it all, we welcomed in a new family member.
I recently had the pleasure of shooting this wonderful family. The kids where very excited about getting their pictures taken, while Mom and Dad were well prepared with the kids' favorite stuffed animals to keep them happy. It was just a joy to have the kids run around, play and interact with their parents which allowed me to capture some candid moments.
You can tell that this family was full of love by the way they played and talked to one another. Sometimes as a photographer it's just better to sit back and let the moments come naturally. Sure, there where some instances where I suggested some poses and positions; but most of the session was as simple and peaceful as a walk in the park.
I made this photo of an onlooker of a costume contest. I had a picture in my head and processed the mood in LR.
Have a Happy Halloween be safe out there.
]]>Kids are great! I have 3 of my own so I always enjoy watching other parents interact with their kids and see different parenting styles. There is no other place to see so much emotions and encouragement then at a youth soccer game. These kids are just learning the game and are trying their hart out to get that ball through the goal.
It was fun capturing the fast pace activity and the unpredictabilty of where is that ball going to go next. If you thought each goal was precious at the professional level just imagine it at this level where most of the time where all the kids huddle around the ball kicking away at each other. No wonder those shin guards are so important!
We were going for an industrial look and found this old packing plant that was no longer in use. The back drop provided us with a lot options for us to play and make some unique images.
The Lens was a Nikon 50mm F1.8 and the film was Fuji Xtra Superia 800. Did a little post processing in Light Room.
Having fun with film. This was shot with a Nikon FE using a 50mm F1.8 on Ilford HP5 400 ISO black and white film